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“I love being a sponsor of this event and I’ve done just about every volunteer job at the outing. Every year there are memorable moments and always great friendship & camaraderie.”

- Jim Tuchler

Sponsorships & Support

Sponsorships are a great way to support The Men's Club and offer a a perfect fit for everyone. All sponsorships include benefits, ranging from on-course signage to recognition in our materials and even your logo on this website. Our sponsorships are divided into three categories; Eagle, Birdie and Par (and remember, we're happy to create a custom sponsorship package just for you!). 

Make a difference. Be a sponsor. Share our mission!

Have a question about sponsorship? Email Ric Bachrach or call him @ (847) 682-1234.

Eagle Sponsorships

Here are some great ways you can join us and be a major sponsor of the Men's Club Golf Outing:

Presenting Sponsors (Every benefit you can think of!)

$2,500 - SOLD OUT - M. FISHMAN & CO. & ANONYMOUS - Prominent ID on all banners, signage, GPS ad, TBE Bulletin ads, Logo on website (you provide), recognition in Event Sheets and PA announcements and during The BIG Dinner.

Front 9 & Back 9 Golf Flag Sponsors - $2,500 each - SOLD OUT

SHALOM MEMORIAL (Front 9) & THE GOLF PRACTICE (Back 9) - Every benefit you can think of!. Display your company logo or family name on the golf flag. Sponsor receives prominent ID on all banners, signage, GPS ad, TBE Bulletin ads, Logo on website (you provide), recognition in Event Sheets and PA announcements and during The BIG Dinner.

Premium Gift Sponsors (1 for every golfer & volunteer!)

$2,500 each (X2) SOLD OUT MOSAIC CONSTRUCTION & STEPHANIE & ANDY BAKER - Prominent ID on all banners, TBE Bulletin ads, signage, GPS ad, ID as sponsor of Premium Gift in PA announcements, recognition in Event Sheet and during The BIG Dinner.

The BIG Dinner Sponsor  

$1,500 ) SOLD OUT - CHICAGO JEWISH FUNERALS & DAVID JACOBSON - Prominent ID on all banners, TBE Bulletin ads, signage, on Event Sheet, Logo (you provide) on website, GPS ad, ID on PA announcements and recognition during The BIG Dinner.

Golf Cart Sponsor (Recognition on every cart)

$1,000 - SOLD OUTGORDON ASSOCIATES LONG TERM CARE PLANNING - Prominent ID on all banners, TBE Bulletin ads, signage, ID on Event Sheet, Logo (you provide) on website,  GPS ad, ID on PA announcements and recognition during The BIG Dinner.

Raffle Sponsors (Great recognition at event!)

$1,000 - SOLD OUT - KOVITZ INVESTMENT GROUP & THE WEININGER FAMILY - Prominent ID on all banners, TBE Bulletin ads, signage, ID on Event Sheet, Logo (you provide) on website, GPS ad, ID on PA announcements and recognition during The BIG Dinner.

Silent Auction Sponsor (Great recognition at event)

$1,000 - BRENT NOVOSELSKY & ALERA GROUP - Prominent ID on all banners, TBE Bulletin ads, signage, ID on Event Sheet, Logo (you provide) on website, GPS ad, ID on PA announcements and recognition during The BIG Dinner.

Have a question about sponsorship? Email Ric Bachrach

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Birdie Sponsorships

Join us as a Birdie Sponsor at the outing. We have lots of great options:

Hole In One Contest Sponsors (For $15,000 prize or use toward a vehicle with sponsor)

$500 - SOLD OUT - GREGORY AUTO GROUP (Gregory Hyundai, Infinity, Genesis & Mitsubishi) will host our big HIO contest on hole #9. SHALOM MEMORIAL will also host a Hole-In-One Contest on hole #6. HIO contests will take place on all par 3 holes. - Prominent ID on all banners, TBE Bulletin ads, signage, ID on Event Sheet, Logo (you provide) on website, GPS ad, ID on PA announcements and recognition during The BIG Dinner.


Motzi Sponsor (Everybody needs a great Motzi - and we've got the BEST!)

$360 - SOLD OUT - RABBIS DEBBIE & SIDNEY HELBRAUN ​- Prominent ID on all banners, TBE Bulletin ads, signage, ID on Event Sheet, Logo (you provide) on website, GPS ad, ID on PA announcements and recognition during The BIG Dinner.


Putting Contest Sponsor (signage on the putting green)

$500 - SOLD OUTADAM GREENE - STATE FARM INSURANCE - Prominent ID on all banners, TBE Bulletin ads, signage, ID on Event Sheet, Logo (you provide) on website, GPS ad, ID on PA announcements and recognition during The BIG Dinner.

Women's Long Drive Contest Sponsor  (signage on the golf course) 

$500 - AVAILABLE - Prominent ID on all banners, TBE Bulletin ads, signage, ID on Event Sheet, Logo (you provide) on website, GPS ad, ID on PA announcements and recognition during The BIG Dinner.

The BIG Dinner Table Sponsor (ID on every table) 

$500 - SOLD OUT - LAW OFFICE OF MARTIN L. GLINKProminent ID on all banners, TBE Bulletin ads, signage, ID on Event Sheet, Logo (you provide) on website, GPS ad, ID on PA announcements and recognition during The BIG Dinner.


Long Drive Contest Sponsor (Under 65)

$500  - SOLD OUT - THE LAW OFFICES OF WILLIAM FACTOR, LTD.Prominent ID on all banners, TBE Bulletin ads, signage, ID on Event Sheet, Logo (you provide) on website, GPS ad, ID on PA announcements and recognition during The BIG Dinner.

Senior Long Drive Contest Sponsor (for players 65 years +)

$500 - SUSAN & DAN HIRSCHBERG - Prominent ID on all banners, TBE Bulletin ads, signage, ID on Event Sheet, Logo (you provide) on website, GPS ad, ID on PA announcements and recognition during The BIG Dinner.


Closest To The Pin Contest Sponsor(s) (2 contests on the Par-3 Holes)

$500 - SOLD OUT - GIFTSFORYOUNOW.COM  - Prominent ID on all banners, TBE Bulletin ads, signage, ID on Event Sheet, Logo (you provide) on website, GPS ad, ID on PA announcements and recognition during The BIG Dinner.

Straightest Drive Contest Sponsor

$500 - SOLD OUT - CHUHAK & TECSON, PC Prominent ID on all banners, TBE Bulletin ads, signage, ID on Event Sheet, Logo (you provide) on website, GPS ad, ID on PA announcements and recognition during The BIG Dinner.

Longest Putt Made Contest Sponsor

$500 -  SOLD OUT - LAW OFFICE OF MICHAEL P. DOMANProminent ID on all banners, TBE Bulletin ads, signage, ID on Event Sheet, Logo (you provide) on website, GPS ad, ID on PA announcements and recognition during The BIG Dinner.

Prizes & Awards Sponsor

$500 - SOLD OUT - THE FAMILY OF LONNI & SCOTT GLICKSON - Prominent ID on all banners, TBE Bulletin ads, signage, ID on Event Sheet, Logo (you provide) on website, GPS ad, ID on PA announcements and recognition during The BIG Dinner.


For each of these Birdie Sponsorships you receive: signage, ID on banners & TBE Bulletin ads, recognition in Event Sheets, 1/4 page GPS ad, Logo (you provide) on website. 


Have a question about sponsorship? Email Ric Bachrach

Holding Golf Clubs
Par Sponsorships

We've got a place for everyone. Show your support with any of these Par sponsorships:

GPS Only Ad ("Just the ad ma'am") - $250 AVAILABLE
Enhanced Hole Sponsor (2 hole signs on course) - $200 AVAILABLE
Hole Sponsors (1 sign on course) - $100 AVAILABLE

Green Sponsors (NEW CATEGORY) - $100 AVAILABLE
Have a sponsorship question? Email Ric Bachrach

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